In this example, the data federation pattern can provide the solution to integrated claims data which is then surfaced through a portal to a claims agent. 在此示例中,数据联合模式可以提供集成索赔数据的解决方案,以便随后将集成索赔数据通过门户提供给索赔代理人。
Mr Berkowitz claims they admitted their gate agent had made an error in allowing the passenger to board without having bought two seats. 亚瑟说,乘务员承认是他们舱门口的工作人员的失误,他们应该让这位超重的乘客买两张票的。
Maritime Liens and the Debtors of the Maritime Claims Secured by Maritime Liens; the Insured should inform the agent ASAP. 船舶优先权与其所担保的海事请求的被请求人被保险人应尽快通知保险代理人。
He'd never get paid if the claims agent wasn't in on it. 若没保险经纪人的份,他休想拿到赔偿。
In this regard, Seller hereby agrees to fully release and discharge agent from and relinquishes all rights, claims and actions that seller may have against agent which arise out of or are in any way connected with this order. 在这个方面,卖方特此同意完全豁免或者免除并撤回卖方可能针对代理人的、由本订单引起的或以任何方式与本订单有关的所有的权利、索赔和诉讼。
Claims she's the daughter of your agent. 她说自己是你手下的女儿。
In light of the above, and no further word from the clubs in question, these claims by the player's agent come as something of a surprise. 鉴于上面的情况,以及体检之后双方俱乐部一直未就此事传出任何消息,球员的经纪人忽然发表上述言论显得出乎意料。
Fairness weighs competing claims, and is appropriate for a referee, but not an agent: the honest intermediary does not balance the client interest with his own, but puts its client first. 公平指的是对互相竞争的主张进行权衡,它适用于裁判而非代理人:诚信的中间人不会权衡自己与客户的利益,而是将客户放在第一位。
The proper allocation of residue claims and corporate control between stakeholders such as shareholders, creditors and managers is the key to improve operation efficiency and decrease agent costs. 把剩余索取权和控制权在股东、债权人和经营者等利益相关者之间加以合理的配置是公司治理结构所要解释的核心问题,是公司提高经营效率、降低代理成本的关键。
The CAS theory claims that the interaction between agent and the environment is nonlinear. That provides an important enlightenment for overcoming simple thinking and Implementing nonlinear education in the subjective ideological and political education of college students. CAS理论认为主体与环境、主体与主体之间的相互作用是非线性的,这就为我们在实施大学生主体性思想政治教育方法中,克服简单思维,实施非线性教育提供了一个重要的启示。